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Introduction to User Interface - 45 min

Human factors is the discipline that explores the relationship between the user, the system and the environment. Proper planning of any system or product relies on the consideration of all three

Primary topics:

  • The systemic approach to human factor engineering
  • Examples from everyday life
  • User centred design process (UCD)
  • What is UI and UX and what are the components of the user experience?

Role & Task analysis - 45 min

The basis for the entire UX process - methodologies for analyzing the environment in which the user operates, the tasks and actions that the user performs on the system and the information required to complete these actions successfully.

  • Environmental analysis
  • User analysis
  • Task analysis
  • Compiling interface requirements

Design views - 60 min

Principles of designing user interface views.

  • Characterization of the entity presented and the considerations related to the world of content displayed.
  • Physical and graphic aspects in designing displays: criteria for selecting a view, contrasts, fonts, use of colors, use of icons
  • Principles of screen layouts: Gestalt, support for user’s working process, prevention of visual overload

Information visualization - 60 min

Presenting abstract data in a tangible way in order to simplify perception and allow users to easily draw conclusions and insights.

  • Design considerations in visualization
  • Aligning display to the type of information
  • Qualitative and quantitative views

Desktop Design Patterns & Design Templates - 60 min

In most systems there are "types" of screens that tend to repeat themselves. Identification of these types and implementation of similar design principles enables us to: reduce cognitive load, reduce development cost and overall cost reduction project wide.

Primary topics:

  • What are design templates?
  • How to select a template?
  • Sample templates
  • Where to find templates?

Control Design - 120 min

Principles in planning the controls used to feed and control information in system and products.

Among other things, the following topics will be presented:

  • Various controls and their use
  • Fitts Law: size, location and distance between controllers
  • Motor schematics and controller organization

Graphics in the UX service - 60 min

  • Graphics as part of a rich user experience.
  • Working methodologies among UX professionals, graphic designers and developers.
  • Recommendations for graphic approach on the way to a developing a concept
  • Examples of animations and data visualization
  • Graphic design trends - including Material Design: Android's well known interface language.
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